Course Schedule
First day || Look&Learn ||
• Fundamentals of haircutting - Presentation and live demonstration about shapes and techniques, body position, finger angle, section angles and the basics elements of haircutting : over direction and elevation.
• Short break
• 1 live model - GRADUATION with LINE Technique -: from the consultation to the
finish & photo, video taking process
• Lunch break
• 1 live model - LAYERING Technique - : from the consultation to the finish &
photo, video taking process
• Diploma / Networking
Second day || Hands-on || SOLD OUT
Every applicant can choose between the two Techniques, GRADUATION with LINE and between LAYERING.
• Theory of the 2 chosen shapes with diagrams
• 1 Step by step cutting on doll head - 1 chosen technique - • Lunch break
• How to capture the looks session - Photo/Video
• Diploma ceremony
What you get :
• Deep dive theory and practice about 3 things : What? , Why? , How? . With these 3 questions we will get a deep understanding of our craft. This 3 question is the source of haircutting. These questions will give the right answers to us, what kind of shapes and techniques we need to use, why we need to use them and how we can achieve them. You will get a full understanding of how to use your body during a haircut, how to use the basics elements of haircutting, how and why to use different section angles and how we can manipulate weight, length and density.
• 2 live demonstration on the first day with head sheets, workbook, and diploma
• 1 Choose full step by step haircut on the Hands-on on doll heads
• Diploma
Time Schedule:
Day 1
09:30 - Doors open
10:00 - Welcome & Presentation
10:45 - Model 1.
12:15 - Short break
12:30 - Model 2.
14:00 - “How to capture” session & diploma ceremony
09:30 - Doors open
10:00 - Theory of the 2 chosen haircut with presentation and head sheets 10:30 - Step by step cutting
13:00 - How to capture the looks session - Photo/Video
13:45 - Summary, Diploma & Networking
Day 1 - 29/3/2025
Day 2 - 30/3/2025 SOLD OUT
Day 1 - 100€
2 Day course 250€ SOLD OUT
(price includes the mannequin head)