What possessed you to open your own shop?
What possess anyone to do anything? I think a passion in this day and age is extremely important. A passion project is something you work on (often outside of your chosen career path) that gives you satisfaction, happiness and puts you into a state of flow. It’s what you do to escape it all, your tiny (or huge) contribution to the world… and mine was not being a business owner it was being a role.
Model for younger people to aspire… I wish I had more mentors as a younger person who generally loved and cared for me and I hope to bring that to young people like a coach. So that’s what possessed me.
What drives you to be successful and help others in your shops to reach their goals?
I guess as silly as it sounds is to prove that I can place my self in a position of proving my younger self I could do it… learning to compete with yourself and not the exterior is a challenge so I try and say I told you so to my younger self.
What advice would you give somebody about to launch their own shop & Brand?
Advice for anyone launching a brand , product , business, is genuine , direct and transparent. Not everyone will align and like your vision but if you go with your gut and focus on your goals no one can take that away from you .
Do you think education within shops are necessary?
Education is not only important inside shops for technical application but for the business side of the process. My goal has to encourage as many education programs, stylist,
Barbers whatever you can afford and take and become great ! But we also need to focus on Training our teams to understand financial literacy as well. And I believe if we focus on the success of our teams finances we can be extremely successful keeping then sustainable, stress free and more productive knowing they have consistency and security