Guess what people!? The time has come, we can start getting excited about trends and looking good again. As lockdown lifts in the UK, I’m beginning to get excited about the biggest trends to look out for this Summer. Get ready to give credit to these unique looks during this unique time. There’s no denying, many of our clients will be coming in with their fair share of disasters as they reap the consequences of their flatmates’ half cut attempt on a Friday night or gently softening the blow that those Tiger King feels have to go! Whatever you’re faced with I know with my top 4 picks coming out of quarantine and into those long summer days, I’ve got you covered.
1. The Grow Out
Coming in at number 1 is The Grow Out. Grown out longer styles will be swaying men all over the country to make the change they would of never considered. From mid-length to shoulders and beyond I personally am excited about the freedom with these looks. My top tip to you for approaching these styles is to keep it simple!! Do not see these longer styles on men and assume you need to implement a load of fancy techniques. The beauty of this hair is the movement and the simplicity behind it. Create a twist on your classic one length with your feather razor to create a masculine finish and no harsh lines. Dry effortlessly with a defuser and a spritz of salt – spray.
2. The Boy Bob
The boy bob, so good I sport one myself! Unfortunately, the boy bob has been given a bad rep until recent times. A look that can just as quickly feel wrong as it can right, the key to this emerging fashionable style is all in the cut. My favourite way to cut this style is to go against the fundamental rule of the classic bob. Rounding your corners as you round through the neck will combat the excess weight behind the ear creating a streamlined, more masculine structure. Keep your blowdries simple, enhance natural movement by scrunching a minimal amount of matt paste through the mid-lengths and ends, and a spritz of sea-salt spray. Less is more.
3. Buzz Off
The buzz cut, one mans go to and another mans I HAVE TO. A popular resort to those who have braved the “bodge job” both looks we will be seeing a lot coming out the back of 2020. Here at Hair In Motion, we’re celebrating this timeless style and pinning it at number 3 of summer 21’ biggest trends. Nail your buzz cut styles by simply not getting too carried away. Keep the length at a grade 2 or higher to create a seamless blend throughout the hair, as from my experience anything shorter and your chances of creating lines become greater.
4. The Bodge Job
The bodge job, better known as a great story than a great haircut. It’s safe to say we’ve become a nation of “ how hard can it be?” when it comes to hair maintenance and is now up to us as professionals to set the record straight. As we welcome these funny stories in return for even funnier trims prepare to get your creative juices flowing as your make these once unsalvageable styles salvageable and then amazing. Expect disconnections and nifty clipper correction work to balance out mistakes and harsh lines. Use all positive areas of the hair to your advantage and communicate thoroughly to your client to establish a potential new direction with their style.
There we have it, the 4 styles I’m excited to see us as an industry master over the coming season. Have your own hottest trends you’re anticipating? Let me know down below. Peace Out